Reclaiming the Night

November 6, 2009 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Women! Reclaim The Night on Saturday 21st November 2009 in Central London.

Reclaim The Night is a women’s march against rape and all forms of male violence against women. Over 2000 women from all over the country will take back the streets of England’s capital to demand justice for rape survivors and an end to the threat and reality of male violence. It is estimated that over 40,000 women are raped every year, the conviction rate remains low at just over 5%. Only around 1 in 20 reported rapes ever result in a conviction. We do not think 19 out of 20 women who are brave enough to report rape are lying – we invite you to put your feet on the streets to say the same. Demand an end to rape and sexual violence, demand justice for survivors.

The march assembles at 6pm in Whitehall Place and marches to The Camden Centre on Euston Rd for a mixed rally and disco for men and women. Reclaim The Night is called by London Feminist Network and is supported by most UK women’s organisations and Trade Unions. More info is on the website –

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