Niall Ferguson on Henry Kissinger’s “World Order”
December 31, 2014 12:00 am Leave your thoughts A good book review gives both the gist of the book and allows you to decide if it is worth reading
A good book review gives both the gist of the book and allows you to decide if it is worth reading
When I was 15 years old and a member of the Irgun underground (by today's criteria, an honest-to-goodness terrorist organization), we sang "(In the past) we had the heroes / Bar Kochba and the Maccabees / Now we have the new ones / The national youth'"
A nation's sovereign right to determine matters within its borders is put at risk where its government signs a trade agreement which includes a dispute resolution clause known as an Investor State Dispute Settlement ('ISDS') clause
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are not essential for feeding the world
What's in your sack, Father Christmas?
Thomas Riggins continues to guide us through Lenin's work - State and Revolution
Almost a thousand Israeli personalities have already signed an appeal to European parliaments for their governments to recognize the State of Palestine
From chickens pumped with antibiotics to the environmental devastation caused by production, we need to realise we are not fed with happy farm animals, writes George Monbiot.
A festive poem by John Gohorry
Me-first acquisitiveness is now pervasive throughout the upper strata of society