Bleak Havens
February 26, 2010 12:00 am Leave your thoughts It's time to close the net on tax havens, says George Monbiot.
It's time to close the net on tax havens, says George Monbiot.
The Chavez regime is arming the Venezuelan peasantry to protect them against militias bent on undermining the country's agrarian reform initiatives, as Kiraz Janicke explains.
Despite the best efforts of the mainstream media to play down the barbaric assault on Gaza, Israel cannot win the public relations war, argues Ramzy Baroud.
Of the many international solidarity movements in the world today, the Palestinian struggle has a special status. Greg Sharzer explains why.
Thus far, the Tory and Labour election campaigns have been a showcase of the hypocrisy at the heart of British politics, writes Richie Nimmo.
A student rally in the Venezuelan capital has rallied behind the country's president, writes Kiraz Janicke.
Can the EU afford to let Greece withdraw from the Eurozone? Socialist Appeal's Mick Brooks considers the significance of the Grek Crisis.
The media fixation with pointless symbolic milestones serves to trivialise the everyday misery of victims of US violence, argues Ramzy Baroud.
John Green recommends this witty and evocative political novel set in 1930s Mexico.
In the wake of the demostrations of 11th February, which saw hard-liners and pro-democracy campaigners alike take to the streets of Tehran, Maziar Razi assesses the balance of forces in Iranian politics.