Conservative Conference: Economy and House Building
October 11, 2011 3:02 am Leave your thoughts At the Conservative party conference this week, Prime Minster David Cameron held a 50 minute address teaching us how to look at the economy. He did not fail to proclaim that the reason we have such a debt deficit is excessive borrowing, nor did he miss this opportunity to once again blatantly blame the Labour government for all the issues he has had to deal with.
Just as Labour accused the Conservatives of squeezing the living standards of the average Briton, which are expected to fall for very first time in over 50 years, Cameron once again showed what he is best at – misunderstanding that exact ‘bigger picture’ he is always reiterating. Like a toddler with his hands over his ears, the Conservative leader led his conference with a series of clichés about the “spirit of Britain” and the need to “show some fight”, while earlier this week Labour outlined the predicted freeze in economic growth for the next 3-4 years.
The economy is being built “slowly but surely” and any time we doubt this, merely because we cannot see the economy growing, Cameron assures us that this is because the first and most important stage of building, as in the case of a house, is the construction of the foundations one cannot see. The only problem with this metaphor is that it is clearly wrong. I don’t think anyone who has ever witnessed a house being built has missed the part where the foundations are being laid. And if they were not observant enough to see the large building site right by their house, as I guess Cameron isn’t, they would have surely noticed the builders, carpenters, architects, engineers and tons of materials being taken to the site to help set the foundations of a house. George Osbourne’s work on nurturing British economy out of the recession, on the other hand, seems to resemble a dangerous game of architectural ‘kerplunk’ rather than an actual economic policy.
It is impossible to argue with the Conservatives, due to the infallibility of their belief in economic growth.
There is however something that the Conservatives have not failed to observe. Recently, the Conservative party’s share of the women’s vote has been falling. Yet the only thing Cameron and Co have thought to do is to publically apologise for the “calm down, dear” remark that the Prime Minister addressed towards Labour MP Angela Eagle during a parliamentary session. The real reason why fewer women are favouring the Tories is that the spending cuts are hitting women twice as hard as men. This is the real issue that the Tories need to address.
As with any political party conference, Cameron managed to speak for just under an hour, but nonetheless say very little. I imagine that it is art of politics to speak without saying much. Cameron concluded his address with a series of extremely passionate and articulate “optimistic” messages about “pulling together” and leading Britain to “its better days”. David, please, calm down, dear.
Tags: Domestic (UK)Categorised in: Article
This post was written by Mirela Ivanova