
Taking Another look at ‘Chavs’

May 22, 2012 5:08 pm Leave your thoughts

Chavs by Owen Jones has rightly been lauded as an overdue rejoinder to the steady and near unstoppable denigration of the working class in Britain over the past three decades of unbroken Thatcherism, under both the Tories and New Labour, reviews John Wight.

The Palestinian Nakba: The Resolve of Memory

May 19, 2012 12:00 am Leave your thoughts

Writing about the events of Al-Nakba, Ramzy Baroud reports that every region in Palestine that was meant to be taken was captured, its people were expelled or massacred in their homes and villages. Ben Guiron 'cleansed' the land, but he failed to cleanse Israel's past. Memory persists.

Senior Moment

May 18, 2012 12:00 am Leave your thoughts

This month, I turn 65. If you know your musicals, my naming Eliza Doolittle Day as the date in question will give you the day that this event takes place. If indeed it is An Event, says W. Stephen Gilbert (photo courtesy of Barbra Flinder).

Dead-end journey

May 16, 2012 3:06 pm Leave your thoughts

Colin Todhunter, London Progressive Journal's India correspondent, reports from Chennai on how a funeral procession through a poor neighbourhood is a metaphor for where India is heading with current social and economic policies