
Historic Victory and a Spicy Tale

June 20, 2012 3:03 am Leave your thoughts

In the last of a series of articles on the French elections, David Eade looks at the breakdown of the National Assembly elections and the way forward for Francois Hollande and the Parti Socialiste

Paternal Vigilance

June 18, 2012 5:26 pm Leave your thoughts

The LPJ's resident philosopher and arts correspondent muses on David Cameron's parenting skills, VIP security and the conclusions of some of our favourite television series.

Storm Warning

June 16, 2012 11:36 am Leave your thoughts

I suppose I should have seen this coming. In January, I discovered that the forecasters employed by a company called Positive Weather Solutions, whose inaccurate predictions were widely used by the newspapers, don't exist, says George Monbiot.


June 15, 2012 10:35 pm Leave your thoughts

Uri Avnery, Israeli journalist and former Knesset member, writes about the abuse of African migrants in his country

Off the Agenda: The Unresolved Question of Egypt’s Economy

June 14, 2012 1:47 pm Leave your thoughts

A new Egypt demands a new constitution and president. Many pressing questions also need to be addressed, including the religious-secular divide, the value of Sharia in the making of law, citizenship, minority rights, the rule of civil society, foreign policy, and much more, says Ramzy Baroud.

Camping Needs Solid Ground

June 11, 2012 6:07 pm Leave your thoughts

LPJ's arts correspondent and resident philosopher, Stephen Gilbert, comments that an emphasis on celebrity is the prevailing television flavour of the age, infecting every genre of programming, whether appropriate or not