Iran and the imminent prospect of another unilateral war waged by Israel in the Middle East
September 27, 2012 12:00 am Leave your thoughts Israel, presumably due to its longstanding failure to reach amicable peace with Palestine and the Arab neighbors since 1967, is imminently determined to wage a unilateral war on Iran while struggling to divert internal dissent from its lingering economic and socio-political challenges and international isolations.
The 1979 Revolution in Iran was actually preceded by 150 years of struggle to move forward this historic nation, through several millennia, while it was called Persia; from absolute monarchy and the regressive feudal system, via the progressive but futile constitutional monarchy revolution of 1906, and then toward the ultimate path of culturally contextual modernization, which included democracy, freedom of expressions & thought, liberty, sovereignty, equality, justice and peace.
In fact, the initially pluralistic 1979 revolution in Iran, which had coalesced the diverse nation’s aspirations to relieve itself of Shah’s undemocratic monarchy, and in hoping of establishing the rule of law, freedom, and sovereignty. This revolution was, however, hijacked in the last minute, by the reactionary Islamists who had the substantive tactical assistance from the leftists such as the communist Tudeh Party and the MEK, i.e., the Mujahedin E Khalgh. The MEK is a leftist Islamist-Marxist guerrilla organization that has fought underground against the deposed Shah of Iran, and assassinated six American military attachés in the early 70’s ; it has cooperated with the new Islamic Republic in Iran (IRI), before it transplanted itself to Iraq, where they fought along with the Iraqi forces against the IRI regime. The MEK especially its leadership, has, in effect, acted as the fifth column inside and outside Iran and thus has very limited acceptance, if any, among Iranian populace.
The capturing of the 52 American diplomats as hostages for 444 days, was followed by Iraq attacking Iran-a grotesque war instigated by the western governments in retaliation for the hostage taking and the loss of direct American influence in the region.
That [no win] war dragged on for nearly ten years, inflicted a toll of a million human lives, a trillion dollars of economic damage, before it ironically helped entrenching the new Islamic fundamentalist regime.
Besides its rapidly fading ostentatious political rhetoric anchored on a twisted sloganeering of Islamic Shiite ideology and as enunciated by bombastic Ahmadinejad and megalomaniac Khamenei, the Iranian regime has nothing else to account for after nearly 35 years of repressive exercise of power except the catastrophic socio-economic and political failure, both at the domestic and international levels. This failure has yielded trillions of dollars of economic waste and embezzlements, doubling of the population, loss of millions of precious lives through adventurist wars and subversive proxy activities, and more killings of political prisoners of conscience, and millions of the elites, intellectuals and technocrats in diaspora. In essence, the IRI has replaced the old 1000 powerful ‘royal’ family of the Shah with 100,000 theological family – an exclusive fraternity that acts to pillage the country’s natural and human resources as well as weakening the personal religious and cultural beliefs of the populace. The IRI must have fully understood that as an unpopular repressive regime it is far safer to be feared than respected.
The Islamic Republic schizophrenically afraid of its own shadows, it nonetheless resorts to provocations in order to bring about an external calamity upon the nation so as to extend its lifeline. Such approach – fabricating a diversion when a government is failing – is not unique to the Islamic Republic but rather commonly practiced by many governments in the last 100 years. The Islamic Republic in Iran must have reluctantly recognized that due to their empty rhetoric, fallacy and ignorant sloganeering of the past 35 years, it has in essence created a carte blanche for the re-militarization of the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia by the West. More than two-thirds of military sales and hegemonic economic & political accords forged worldwide have been imposed by the West on the undemocratic [puppet] governments in these strategic regions in the last 30 years.
As counter-intuitively irrational as it may be perceived by most peace-loving logical people, the Islamic Republic establishment in Iran is literally prepared to pay billions of dollars in bribes to outsiders, albeit Israel or the US, to materialize a unilateral invasion of Iran. The IRI fully understands that after wasting trillions of dollars and the loss of countless human lives in the last 10 years that such western invasion will only be short-lived and primarily driven by air strikes. Afterwards, it assumes that the IRI will extend its life by capitalizing on the inevitable economic disaster and probable heavy casualties inflicted on the “Islamic nation.” As twisted as it may seem, they will then carry the coffins of 100,000 dead innocent civilians as martyrs in dozens major cities right after each Friday prayers for another 35 additional years the regime will gain from this invasion.
Notwithstanding, if Israel is genuinely interested in an Iranian regime change and in a regional stability, it may be illegal in principle, but nonetheless far less destructive than the above scenario, it should instead pursue a well-orchestrated covert campaign of purging a few hundred key figures in the Islamic Republic, impose smart sanctions, limit travel, engage in financial and trade restrictions. All these will keep the Iranian population united against their tyrannical regime, and thus detrimentally hurting the IRI establishment. The perplexing question still unanswered remains as to whether the true motivations of the Israeli government is regime change or the annihilation of a sovereign nation that has and continues to proudly possess deeply rooted cultural communities with the people of Jewry worldwide.
Freeman Ure is an independent philosopher and thinker, currently retired after a lifelong professorship and residing in Los Angeles.
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This post was written by Freeman Ure