
Empty Promise

October 22, 2012 6:54 pm Leave your thoughts

George Monbiot asks if scientists have got the impacts of climate change on food supply wildly wrong?

The Liberal Democrats: Liberalism in the European sense only

October 16, 2012 12:00 am Leave your thoughts

After months of activity and apologies, the message from Nick Clegg to the left of centre voter was this: "We are not the party for you." At least, this was the message I took away with me. Not just from the Lib-Dem conference but also from the New Statesman article by Richard Reeves, Clegg's former director of strategy, writes Nathaneal Sansam.

The Spanish State Faces Disintegration

October 10, 2012 1:36 am Leave your thoughts

The Spain of today is in a deep financial crisis. Rather than the country pulling together it is pulling apart. LPJ Iberian correspondent, David Eade, discusses the possibility of the Spainish state breaking up into autonomous regions

The Spectre of Communism

October 10, 2012 1:26 am Leave your thoughts

The eulogies in the media for the late Marxist historian, Eric Hobsbawm, praise his historical insight yet express bemusement at his adherence to the Communist cause. Why is there a lack of understanding as to why so many of his generation remained loyal to the cause of their youth? John Green explains.