Drop the outrageous charges on CCNY student activists!

November 15, 2013 4:06 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The ANSWER Coalition urges all its supporters in New York City and around the country to support City College of New York students who are fighting to reclaim the Morales-Shakur Community Center, seized illegally by the administration three weeks ago. In an attempt to intimidate the growing movement, two student leaders, Tafadar Sourov and Khalil Vasquez, were unjustly suspended, banned from campus and then, while disciplinary proceedings were just beginning, hit with criminal charges by the CCNY administration. They will come before a judge for the first time Tuesday morning, Nov. 19.

Please take a moment to show your support to the students by writing a letter to the District Attorney of Manhattan and the CCNY administration, via email and/or fax, demanding all charges be dropped.

Previously, the administration told these students they would have to halt all their political activities in defense of the student center in order to be reinstated. When the students refused this deal on principle, the CCNY administration retaliated by taking them to criminal court. This is an outrage, an attack on all student activism, which matters to all people who believe in free speech and the right to protest. We must all come together and take action now to stop this injustice.

Progressive New Yorkers, student and non-student alike, are mobilizing to come to the courtroom Tuesday morning to show the CCNY administration that we reject this blatant repression and that the students do not stand alone.

Tuesday, November 19 @ 9:30AM
Manhattan Criminal Court
100 Centre Street
Arraignment Part AR1 or AR2

If you cannot come to the demonstration, please take a moment to show your support to the students by writing a letter to the District Attorney of Manhattan and the CCNY administration, via email and/or fax, demanding all charges be dropped.

This article first appeared on the website of the ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition http://www.answercoalition.org/nyc/news/take-action-ccny-khalil-taffy.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=partial&utm_campaign=ANSWER%20Newsletter


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This post was written by ANSWER Coalition

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