Never Again

August 21, 2014 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

” Never again !” said the Jew.

Never again: shackled animals:

Packed and killed: six million Kills.

Never again.

Never again the ghetto for me.

Never again the laughter and the jeer.

Never again the number tattooed.

Teeth pulled out; live skeletons burnt.

Never never never again.

For now a State I have, a home.

A land; and never again will I die.

” Never again ” burnt into my people’s National conscience.

Never again say I.

Never again say we all loudly loudly loudly.

And the echo is heard all across the land.

But the world will not listen to the new Jew.

It never listened to the old.

” Never again ” will have to wait Palestinians all.

For it has been and will be again again again and again,

Palestinians all.

Betrayed and despised all.

And then…

” Never again !” said the nouveau Jew.


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This post was written by Faysal Mikdadi

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