My neighbour’s house is on fire

November 7, 2015 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

My neighbour’s house is on fire

– what on earth can have caused it?

A candle left unattended?

A frying pan left on the cooker? Bad wiring?

Was it carelessness? Arson?

Petrol poured through his letterbox?

Was it visitors? Burglars? Relatives?

Friends? Fire raisers? Houseguests?

Was he storing inflammable liquids?

Ammonium nitrate? Aerosols?

And what’s he done to deserve this

now his house has burned down?

What will he do? How live?

Where will he find a home?

These are just some of the questions

police will want answered

now I call Fire and Rescue

seeing smoke under my own stairs.

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This post was written by John Gohorry

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