Book review: The Tolpuddle Boy
October 27, 2010 8:17 pm Leave your thoughts John Green reviews "The Tolpuddle Boy", a timely tribute to the struggles of early trade unionism.
John Green
John Green reviews "The Tolpuddle Boy", a timely tribute to the struggles of early trade unionism.
John Green looks at how the status of the 'beautiful game' has changed in recent years.
The trade union movement is taking a lead in the struggle against the false panacea of austerity; John Green reckons the British Airways dispute is just the beginning.
John Green reviews Fenner Brockway's autobiographical account of a long and dedicated political career.
Decades of compromise have left the Labour party unfit to meet the challenges of the present crisis, writes John Green.
John Green recommends this witty and evocative political novel set in 1930s Mexico.
John Green reviews this month's recommended read, which takes a critical look at the increasing dominance of corporate interests over civil society.
The UK government is bowing to business pressure and looking to lift the ban on product placement in television programmes, as John Green explains.
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