Changing Trains
April 6, 2019 12:00 am Leave your thoughts The divisions within society are distorted by an amalgam of selective fact and prejudicial myth
Geoffrey Heptonstall
The divisions within society are distorted by an amalgam of selective fact and prejudicial myth
In a culture of bland conformity it is stimulating to find a challenge. It surely demands a response. To dismiss it out of hand would be to show no respect.
Our public duty is to demonstrate our lack of faith in the thoughtless and insensitive polity that erodes the social fabric as a matter of deliberate intention. Philistine and self-satisfied domesticity cannot be the aim of a thinking democracy in a creative culture
The aim of populism is to remake the world as a life where nothing happens.
A poem by Geoffrey Heptonstall
At the geographic centre of Europe, Berlin is a microcosm of European history.
It’s hard now to believe how things once were. Full-blooded socialism never found a secure place in the British experience, but through the Seventies we had something more than the piecemeal reform of social democracy.
The problem extends well beyond one particular question. For a long time now the world has been run on the presumption that all problems are easily soluble.
Migration is natural. Like many I can claim age-old ancestry of one place, yet equally there are those roots in distant places, and a history of migrations across seas and continents even in recent years
Spielberg's film The Post is about events that are now history. Yet they remain so relevant.