Empty Promise
October 22, 2012 6:54 pm Leave your thoughtsGeorge Monbiot asks if scientists have got the impacts of climate change on food supply wildly wrong?
George Monbiot
George Monbiot asks if scientists have got the impacts of climate change on food supply wildly wrong?
The parasitical ultra-rich often deny the role of others in the acquisition of their wealth - and even seek to punish them for it, writes George Monbiot.
The evidence linking Alzheimer's disease to the food industry is strong and is growing, writes George Monbiot.
Desmond Tutu has helped us see the true nature of what the former prime minister did to Iraq and increased pressure for a prosecution, writes George Monbiot.
To answer the question of what the world will look like after capitalism, we first have to decide what we mean by capitalism. If it means a system that arises from lending money at interest, then there will be no "after capitalism" writes George Monbiot.
The rich world is causing the famines it claims to be preventing, says George Monbiot.
Under the guise of saving the natural world, governments are privatising it and rarely will the money to be made by protecting nature match the money to be made by destroying it, writes George Monbiot.
Protecting the environment, like protecting the welfare of a nation's poorest and weakest people, requires a sweeping reform of political funding, on both sides of the Atlantic, writes George Monbiot.
The model is dead; long live the model. Austerity programmes are extending the crises they were meant to solve, yet governments refuse to abandon them and the UK provides a powerful example, writes George Monbiot.
George Monbiot says that the Countryside Alliance's campaign against a ban on lead shot strikes him as motivated by the age-old attitude of reactionary members of the landowning classes: that they will not be subject to the laws or considerations that affect lesser members of society.