Drilling for Oil – A Global Problem on Our Doorstep
April 18, 2020 12:00 am Leave your thoughts Sometimes it takes a threat to our own neighbourhood, our own county or country, before we wake up to what is happening across the world.
Lesley Docksey
Sometimes it takes a threat to our own neighbourhood, our own county or country, before we wake up to what is happening across the world.
I belong to England, but that England is not the self-important, arrogant and ill-informed England of Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage, the European Research Group or Tommy Robinson and the English Defence League
Is it too late to ditch our rigid world view, our superiority, our belief in our 'right' to own and control our world?
"The question is not are we going to fail. The question is how?" Stephen Jenkinson, author and storyteller.
This is not a letter I thought I would ever have to write when I joined the Labour Party, but it has to be written.
The war of words between Tony Blair and Theresa May over the last few days is quite revealing - not of Blair's known position regarding the Brexit mess, but because the Prime Minister's rant showed her weakness.
One of the things people were promised under Corbyn's leadership, was a genuine member-led party, where members' views were listened to and acted on.
On Easter Saturday I revisited Salisbury to see for myself. This was, after all, a holiday weekend, and Salisbury should be packed with people. Yes, car parks were full but'
From the moment the news came out that on Sunday March 4th in Salisbury, one of England's revered cathedral cities, a Russian spy and his daughter had been poisoned by some form of 'nerve agent' my reaction was 'Oh dear'.
It is true that in the EU referendum, more people (52%) voted to leave than remain (48%) with the EU. But of the total electorate, that was 37% wanting to leave, 35% wanting to remain, and 28% that did not vote.