Murdoch, Mensch and a new England Manager
May 9, 2012 7:17 pm Leave your thoughts The London Progressive Journal gives its take on current events in the latest editorial
Emmeline Ravilious
The London Progressive Journal gives its take on current events in the latest editorial
Emmeline Ravilious reviews Nathan Englander's latest book
Emmeline Ravilious reviews Tom Harris - Why I'm Right and Everyone Else is Wrong, a collection of the MP's blogs and more
The London Progressive Journal gives its take on current events in the latest fortnightly editorial
The London Progressive Journal gives its take on current events in the latest fortnightly editorial
Emmeline Ravilious reviews Olivia Laing\'s latest book \'To the River\'
A new book on the Deputy Prime Minister explains a lot about the man but maybe not so much of his politics, argues Emmeline Ravilious.
It is a book that is sure to irk readers of the Daily Mail, some of whose writers come under literary fire. On the other hand it has made the long list of the Guardian's first book award, says Emmeline Ravilious.