Who the Hell Are We?
August 4, 2018 11:24 pm Leave your thoughts Years ago I had a friendly discussion with Ariel Sharon.
Uri Avnery
Years ago I had a friendly discussion with Ariel Sharon.
The Israeli argument was that the victims were shot while trying to "storm the fences". Actually, not a single such attempt was photographed, though hundreds of photographers were posted on both sides of the fence.
Would I vote for Barak in spite of his record?
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, second in line to the British throne, visited Israel this week.
After commenting on most of the episodes on the first Israeli Prime Ministers in Raviv Drucker's TV series "The Captains", I must come back to the one whose episode I have not yet covered: Yitzhak Rabin.
I have spent many happy hours in Gaza. I had many friends there. From the leftist Dr. Haidar Abd al-Shafi to the Islamist Mahmoud al-Zahar, who is now the foreign minister of Hamas
I asked myself: what would I have done if I had been a youngster of 15 in the Gaza Strip?
"If you want to understand the policy of a nation, look at the map!" Napoleon is supposed to have said.
Two days ago, the State of Israel celebrated its 70th birthday. For days we heard about nothing else. Innumerable speeches full of platitudes. A huge festival of kitsch.
The situation in the Gaza Strip is as close to hell as one can get. Food at subsistence level, electricity for two to four hours a day, the water is polluted. Work is extremely scarce. Only the most severely ill are let out.