The New Anti-Semitism
August 17, 2011 6:31 pm Leave your thoughts Uri Avnery, Israeli writer and founder of the Gush Shalom peace movement, offers a warning from history as he examines a modern form of racism taking root across Europe.
Uri Avnery
Uri Avnery, Israeli writer and founder of the Gush Shalom peace movement, offers a warning from history as he examines a modern form of racism taking root across Europe.
Uri Avnery on conspiracy theories, old and new.
The idea that Iran would risk certain annihilation by attacking Israel is ludicrous, writes Uri Avnery.
A year into his presidency, Barack Obama has achieved relatively little in the foreign policy sphere. Uri Avnery urges him to keep trying.
Barack Obama has weakly capitulated to Binyamin Netanyahu over Israeli settlement-building in the heart of the Arab community in East Jerusalem, says Uri Avnery.
Uri Avnery on how a spate of brutal murders by recent Jewish immigrants to Israel has focused attention on the country's controversial Law of Return.
Uri Avnery considers the respective struggles facing three embattled leaders - Obama, Netanyahu and Abbas.
Looking back at the fall of the Apartheid regime in South Africa, Uri Avnery asks what lessons - if any - can be learned by activists campaigning for justice for Palestine.
Uri Avnery on how the battle over the identity of the historic port of Acre reflects wider struggles over cultural identity in Israel-Palestine.
Uri Avnery remembers a writer and activist who devoted his life to challenging the militarism of the Israeli state.