The New Wave
June 19, 2017 12:00 am Leave your thoughts When I was young, there was a joke: "There is no one like you - and that's a good thing!"
Uri Avnery
When I was young, there was a joke: "There is no one like you - and that's a good thing!"
In the tumult of the last few days, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the "unification" of Jerusalem, one of the articles stated that "even peace-activist Uri Avnery" voted in the Knesset for the unification of the city.
A few days ago, a not so well-known Palestinian woman received an unusual honor
There were two Donald Trumps this week. One of them was touring the Middle East, being feted everywhere. The second was in Washington, where he was battered from all sides
When Adlai Stevenson ran for the presidency, he was told "Don't worry, every thinking person will vote for you." "But I need a majority," Stevenson famously replied.
The present Israeli government coalition consists of 67 (out of 120) members of the Knesset. Each member wants to be elected again (and again and again). In order to be reelected, he or she must attract the attention of the public. The simplest way is to propose a new law. A bill so outrageous, that the media cannot possibly ignore it.
When I was 10 years old, my family fled from Nazi Germany. We were fearful that the Gestapo was after us. Then our train crossed the bridge that separated Germany from France, and we heaved a deep sigh of relief.
I remember the first few Independence Days, just after the foundation of the State of Israel. There was spontaneous jubilation, we were all out in the streets, the celebration was real. This year's Independence Day was not a happy affair
Divide et impera - "divide and rule" - since Roman times this has been a guiding principle of every regime that suppresses another people. In this the Israeli authorities have been incredibly successful.
Cui bono - "who benefits" - is the first question an experienced detective asks when investigating a crime.