Shifting Truths in Sinai: Who Stands to Gain from the Carnage?

August 17, 2012 11:34 am Leave your thoughts

Two Toyota Land Cruisers filled with well-built gunmen in ski masks and all-black outfits appear seemingly out of nowhere. They approach a group of soldiers huddled around a simple meal as they prepare to break their Ramadan fast. The gunmen open fire. This is not an opening scene of a Hollywood action movie. The massacre actually took place at an Egyptian military post in northern Sinai, writes Ramzy Baroud.

The Great Impostors

August 8, 2012 12:00 am Leave your thoughts

Under the guise of saving the natural world, governments are privatising it and rarely will the money to be made by protecting nature match the money to be made by destroying it, writes George Monbiot.