The Health and Social Care Bill and the Negation of Democracy
September 20, 2011 2:00 pm Leave your thoughts Colin Leys discusses the profound impact that the Health and Social Care Bill will have upon the publically owned National Health Service
Colin Leys discusses the profound impact that the Health and Social Care Bill will have upon the publically owned National Health Service
Iqbal Tamimi considers the fate of the Roma women of Iraq: from dancing and prostitution before the US invasion of Iraq to harassment and begging on the streets afterwards.
outRageous! - Lies about the recent gunplay in Kabul and the stuff no one wants you to know.
John Pilger asks 'Cui bono' in relation to the conflict in Libya
The spreading of the Arab Spring marks a change in Israel's ability to continue its policy under the Netanyahu government of intransigence and refusal to negotiate a fair settlement with the Palestinians and the Obama administration in good faith, argues John Wight.
Hussein Al-Alak reveals the scale of mental health trauma amongst soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan
Since the September 11 2001 attacks the world has witnessed the best and worst of humanity, writes John Wight.
The "free market thinktanks" and their secret funders are a threat to democracy, writes George Monbiot.
A new book on the Deputy Prime Minister explains a lot about the man but maybe not so much of his politics, argues Emmeline Ravilious.
An activist involved in the Save Dale Farm campaign calls for solidarity with the site's residents who are facing eviction within a week.