An Australian Health Warning for UK MPs
August 1, 2016 1:23 am Leave your thoughts A national health service is not a discretionary budgetary expense but rather it is a non-discretionary investment made in retaining or gaining a seat in parliament.
A national health service is not a discretionary budgetary expense but rather it is a non-discretionary investment made in retaining or gaining a seat in parliament.
In 2015 the industry of terrorism has moved into a new phase and the scenarios I painted - such as the militarisation of civil society - have gone mainstream
John Malcolm Fraser, prime minister of Australia from 1975 to 1983, passed away on 20 March 2015
Edward Gough Whitlam ("Gough Whitlam"), a former Labour prime minister of Australia, passed away on 21st October, 2014 at 98 years of age
Captain Witold Pilecki was a Polish hero who, amongst many of his heroic deeds in World War II, volunteered to be captured and sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau camp ("Auschwitz")
A new report details a re-evaluation of the view that the native inhabitants of Easter Island (Rapa Nui) were responsible for the collapse of their population
In the late 1960s, I was given an usual assignment by the London Daily Mirror's editor in chief, Hugh Cudlipp. I was to return to my homeland, Australia, and "discover what lies behind the sunny face", writes John Pilger.
The issue is not 'boat people' but imperialist expansion explains Finn Bowen
Julia Gillard has returned Australia to its historic relationship with Washington, similar to that of an eastern European satellite with Moscow, writes John Pilger.
The Guardian's description of Australia's opposition leader Tony Abbott as "neanderthal" is not unreasonable. Misogyny is an Australian blight and a craven reality in political life. But for so many commentators around the world to describe Julia Gillard's attack on Abbott as a "turning point for Australian women" is absurd, writes John Pilger.