Corporate Blowback
February 28, 2013 10:40 am Leave your thoughts Companies like EDF, seeking to terrify protesters with lawsuits, are likely to become victims of their own aggression, writes George Monbiot.
Companies like EDF, seeking to terrify protesters with lawsuits, are likely to become victims of their own aggression, writes George Monbiot.
The choice on the one hand is for people to be a resource for a rich economy. The choice on the other is for a rich economy to be a resource for society. Alfie Stirling explains
Flawed and stalled as the plans for toxic waste may be, at least they exist. There is no way to clean up CO2, the greater evil, writes George Monbiot.
As part of our series analysing Lenin's book "Left-Wing" Communism: an Infantile Disorder, Thomas Riggins looks at what Lenin had to say about the problems of ultra-leftism in Britain in 1920
Felix McHugh reveals the outcome of Paula's appeal
There are awards for everyone. There are the Logies, the Commies, the Tonys, the Theas, the Millies ("They cried with pride") and now the Shammies, writes John Pilger
On Boxing Day, ASLEF members employed by London Underground Limited (LUL) staged a 24 hour strike and the press have been predictable in attempting to whip up hysteria and outrage, reports Karl Davis
Paula is depressed. She has no motivation to look after herself, to eat or to get dressed. Some days she stays in bed and doesn't open the curtains. Felix McHugh discusses the hurdles one of his clients faces in trying to navigate the welfare system.
David Eade reports on Ed Milliband's speech at the Fabian Society conference today
I am a Palestinian British Muslim. I take great pride in my dual heritage. There shouldn't be a price to pay for this duality, but there is. I have paid it always reluctantly, occasionally resentfully and once or twice bitterly, writes Faisal Mikdadi