The Lesser Evil
November 5, 2016 12:52 pm Leave your thoughts Who will win the elections in the US in three days?
Who will win the elections in the US in three days?
To highlight suffering is one thing, to alleviate suffering yet another.
The Syrian government is truly fighting to defend itself against an armed opposition that is violent, sectarian and unpopular with the large majority of Syrians
The story of the White Helmets is principally a "feel good" hoax to manipulate public perception about the conflict in Syria and continue the drive for "regime change"
Political ideas and structures don't die easily. The human mind is lazy and apprehensive, and clings to familiar ideas, long after they have become obsolete
Neoconservatives including Clintonites are pushing hard for a direct US attack on Syria to prevent the collapse of their regime change project
The tragedy of present-day Israel is not that there are so many divisions, but that they all converge in one large rift.
What the hell has happened to them? Have they gone crazy? The British, of all people?
Suddenly, a familiar face, almost forgotten, appeared on the TV screen
"Please don't write about Ya'ir Golan!" a friend begged me, "Anything a leftist like you writes will only harm him!"