September 25, 2012 7:04 am Leave your thoughts The parasitical ultra-rich often deny the role of others in the acquisition of their wealth - and even seek to punish them for it, writes George Monbiot.
The parasitical ultra-rich often deny the role of others in the acquisition of their wealth - and even seek to punish them for it, writes George Monbiot.
Faysal Mikdadi takes a look at the reality of the 'American Dream'
The neoconservatives are back with a vengeance. While popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and other Arab countries had briefly rendered them irrelevant in the region, Western intervention in Libya signaled a new opportunity, writes Ramzy Baroud.
Protecting the environment, like protecting the welfare of a nation's poorest and weakest people, requires a sweeping reform of political funding, on both sides of the Atlantic, writes George Monbiot.
Thomas Riggins reveals the results of a poll conducted by ScienceDaily examining attitudes to the new voter identification laws in the US
Thomas Riggins explains how America's haughty treatment of its ally is leading to a spectacular own goal
John Pilger shows that Barack Obama's sudden "conversion" to the cause of same-sex marriage barely disguises the prime motives of a president as reactionary and violent as George W Bush.
The following is a statement by March Forward! which took part in the protests against NATO in Chicago on Saturday 19th May.
In the 60's I assigned myself the meditation of walking extremely slowly down 14th Street, Greenwich Village's northern border, to Union Square, allowing my senses to notice acrid smells, loud sounds, crowded store windows - but not letting my mind grab for any of it, says Jean Claude van Itallie.
The tragic and senseless killing of black teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida recently once more confirms that racism remains an ever-present corrosive in US society in spite of the election of the nation's first black president in 2008, writes John Wight.