A History of the Andalusian Dance

August 11, 2015 5:22 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The beehived brunette

(an aristocrat from the time of Franco)

tells me that postcards, in the shape of castanets

were made cheap by Gypsies and Jews

and told lies

in Andalusia

if you have something to say, then you must not be silent

and sadness sung

like drinking and smoking

loosens tongues

in the prison of Carabanchel

the soles of feet beaten

echoed like new cantes

the twelve beat rhythm of the guitar

smuggled notes

that in the turn of a dancing hand

are a romance

of vanished youth made cheap by money

in Andalusia

if you have something to say, then you must say it

and damn the consequences

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This post was written by Gareth WD

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