On the way to the Boardroom

August 23, 2015 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Where fountains play on corporate lawns

the fleet executives propound
a fresh, Distinctive Competence
that leads to higher ground.
Cohesive, visionary, bold,
the Mission hangs on every wall;
it corridors our thought, no more
free, individual.
Each desk projects Ambition‘s curve
whose limit is the giddy sky,
the dizzy, distant zenith where
salaries multiply.
The heart, no longer roused to feel,
strikes postures, logo-like, alone;
Deception, keen to get ahead,
breathes down her mobile phone.
Here I subsist, a ciphered soul,
whom hopes and fears disaggregate;
fax me your love, cold Unconcern,

before it is too late.

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This post was written by John Gohorry

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