Wake Up Rise Up

March 20, 2018 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The spine is bent

a swished up coil

stained black by shadow


Wake up, rise up, to the distorted mirror

wipe the sand from your eyes!


              If these bars of steel become cold enough they will be brittle like my bones

              and dance in the shadows of cascading light.


                                  A new day will come in this reflection,

                                  an absent interplay

                                  wake up rise up

                                  this story isn’t over yet!

                                  there can be a better, more powerful you!

A better world!


                                       And these words held steadfast in the walls

will continue, like song,

                                                                                                    without paperlines      

About the Author

Kay is a poet and PhD student at the University of Chichester in West
Sussex. Her debut poetry collection The Dark Side of Light was published
in February 2017 by Bardic Media and is available through Amazon. Her
poetic work often explores themes surrounding the human condition, time,
nature and hope.

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This post was written by Kay Channon

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