What Do You Wish for?

May 11, 2019 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

I took a walk in our small forest. In silent search: peace, solitude.

Each tree had a story to tell.
Of a life of heaven and hell.
I just wanted to know a few things.
To free me by giving me wings.
Wrongs I did now much regret.
What I should have avoided.
What done differently and better.
There are no answers here or there.
On a small patch of green grass,
Grew several sunny Daffodils.
Each flower spoke to me and you.
It said, ‘Your woes are self inflicted.
You walked down a road predetermined.
Laid out by birth, parents, nationality.
And you went meandering down that road.
And blamed all your woes on the asphalt,
The steamroller, the engineers and all.
So busy blaming that, not once,
Not a single moment, did you see
All the many many roads that
Branched out on your monotonous journey.
Each road was an opportunity,
A fresh start, a potential happy outcome:
To love and be loved,
To work hard and prosper,
To avoid running with the crowd,
To study and ‘learn deserving,
To give and see the joy of receiving…’
I walked on in my little woods
And looked left and right
In search of side roads appearing in view,
Looking for opportunities for me and for you.

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This post was written by Faysal Mikdadi

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