Colombian Opposition Political Activist & Trade Unionist Killed
August 15, 2008 12:00 am Leave your thoughts Another state-sponsored political assasination in Colombia.
Justice For Colombia
Another state-sponsored political assasination in Colombia.
Campaign group "Justice for Colombia" on how Colombian government forces impersonated Red Cross workers as part of their recent hostage release operation, violating the Geneva Conventions and potentially endangering the lives of Red Cross workers in the future.
Campaign group "Justice for Colombia" reports on the latest in an ongoing campaign of state-sponsored killings targeting Colombia's trade unionists.
A statement from the campaign group Justice for Colombia on the release of Ingrid Betancourt
The death of FARC leader Manuel Marulanda.
Campaign group "Justice For Colombia" interviewing Colombian student leader Numa Paredes.
A "Justice For Colombia" report on the mounting evidence of President Uribe's involvement in a civilian massacre eleven years ago.