Natural England Loses Credibility
February 4, 2018 12:00 am Leave your thoughts How often will Natural England (NE) be told by judges to release information about the ongoing badger culls?
Lesley Docksey
How often will Natural England (NE) be told by judges to release information about the ongoing badger culls?
Despite falling apart at the seams over its Brexit 'negotiations' with the EU, and its internal fights and scandals, bringing shame and embarrassment to the UK, Theresa May's government is determined to carry on with its money-oriented and earth-trashing policies
A year ago the UK voted to leave the EU after a stupid, unnecessary referendum. Not only that, but it has emerged that the Brexit campaign was funded by some secretive and dodgy deals.
March 25th was the EU's birthday. It was celebrated in London and elsewhere by anti-Brexit demonstrations. Initially organised by Unite for Europe, supported by the European Movement and the 3 Million group of EU citizens living in the UK
March 25th was the EU's birthday. It was celebrated in London and elsewhere by anti-Brexit demonstrations
The strident anti-Corbyn headlines are endless. Almost every day a new headline drums the message home: Jeremy Corbyn must go
As soon as the result of the EU referendum was announced, the attempted coup - or Chicken Coup, as some named it - was in full swing.
This constantly troublesome and disloyal bunch of Labour MPs don't care about the country or their Party. They cannot see that it is they, not Corbyn, who are making the Party unelectable
One side promises them an impossible economic nirvana if they vote to leave, while the other side terrifies them with an economic apocalypse - if they vote to leave.
The UK is suffering from EU referendum fever and being swamped by arguments for Remain or Brexit