”You are fed up with him?”
November 15, 2011 12:23 am Leave your thoughts Uri Avnery gives his opinion on a recent leaked conversation between Presidents Obama and Sarkozy
Uri Avnery gives his opinion on a recent leaked conversation between Presidents Obama and Sarkozy
Phil Bates cast an eye on David Cameron's hypocrisy and the recent threat of rubber bullets being used by police
David Eade recounts the history of the Communist Party of Spain and shows that the party still has influence in Spanish politics
In the first of our series of political poetry, David Foley waxes lyrical in his song about bankers' bonuses and bailouts.
Despite the Israeli government's continued aggression towards humanitarian aid ships sailing to Gaza, Ramzy Baroud shows how the aid flotillas show no sign of giving in to intimidation.
Following a recent trip to the island, coinciding with the tenth anniversary of the end of the Bougainville Civil War, Catherine Wilson reports on the role women played in bringing peace to the island.
W Stephen Gilbert reflects on the politics of poppy wearing, its dissociation in popular society from what it actually represents and its hijacking by politicians.
Patrizia Bertini comments on the slow beginnings of the Occupy Italy movement but notes that in recent days events have been picking up pace
outRageous! gives a critique of the first edition of L.H.O.O.Q- a new online culture magazine
John Pilger denounces American imperialist strategy in Africa