United Socialist Party of Venezuela Begins Campaign for Regional Elections
August 29, 2008 12:00 am Leave your thoughts Tamara Pearson on the start of election campaigning in Venezuela.
Tamara Pearson on the start of election campaigning in Venezuela.
The Government offers us 'choice' as 'empowerment' but are they really giving us less choice as a result?
Chavez critics don't explain Venezuelan law or how Supreme Court rulings interpret it. Nor do they report how the Enabling Law works, that the nation's Constitution authorizes it, that four other presidents used it, among many other things. How can they? It would expose their false accusations and discredit their entire argument.
The recent intervention by David Miliband and the resulting manoeuvrings reveals much about the febrile state within the Labour Party. Beyond the Blairite-Brownite soap opera, which goes on even after one of the protagonists leaves the stage - rather like Ernie Wise continuing to define himself after poor Eric passed away - this is an existential crisis for Labour.
Forty years ago, on the night of August 20th-21st Russian and other Warsaw Pact forces invaded Czechoslovakia, thus putting an end to the 'Prague Spring.'
George Monbiot on why the US government still pouring billions into missile defence.
Victor Petroff asks: Was the recent conflict between Russia and Georgia really the obvious battle of good vs. bad the media storm might have led us to think it was?
Tomasz Pierscionek on the five Cubans held by the US on charges of epsionage, which thye deny, and the attempts to bring enough national and international pressure to bear to get their convictions re-examined.
A new report asks serious questions about the UK's relationship with the Uribe regime in Colombia.
Twelve months on from the beginning of the current economic crisis, Socialist Appeal's Michael Roberts examines the causes and effects of the so-called "Credit Crunch".