Hypocrites Unite!
August 15, 2008 12:00 am Leave your thoughts George Monbiot on Julie Burchill's ill-informed diatribe against environmentalists.
George Monbiot on Julie Burchill's ill-informed diatribe against environmentalists.
James Suggett reflects on Bolovian President Evo Morales's referendum victory.
Another state-sponsored political assasination in Colombia.
Fred McDowell on the rise of outsourcing in the UK's public services.
George Monbiot on why we should all support this week's Climate Camp demonstration.
James Suggett on Venezuela's increasing influence in economic policy across the South American continent.
Fred McDowell on how Iraq's puppet government is targeting Trade Unionists using anti-union laws passed under Saddam Hussein.
Matt Genner argues that committing itself to a national living wage would help restore Labour's credentials as the mainstream party most committed to social justice.
As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, author and Cuba expert Professor Mike Gonzalez talks to Thomasz Pierscionek about the legacies of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, and what the future may hold for Cuba.
Robert Yourell of the American campaign group VoteStrike.com believes a general strike in September would send a strong message to Washingotn elites.