Reportage: Adjusting the Focus
October 6, 2017 2:20 pm Leave your thoughtsTwo book reviews by outRageous!
Two book reviews by outRageous!
A team of researchers at the University of Oxford published the results of a survey of the world's best artificial intelligence experts, who predicted that there was a 50 percent chance of AI outperforming humans in all tasks within 45 years
It seems politics has hit a shameful, stinking, festering, inhuman low. Given the lows of the last decades, that is really saying something.
This Tuesday morning he arrived at the gate as usual. But something aroused suspicion among the guards. He was wearing a jacket, though the weather was quite hot on this early autumn day. The guards asked him to remove his jacket.
My optimism about the future of Israel irritates a lot of people. How can I be an optimist in view of what's happening here every day?
Today is the last day of the 93rd year of my life. Ridiculous. If by a miracle I could be returned to, say, 14, and travel all this long way again, would I like that? No, I would not.
Western media continue to distort the chronology of cause and effect, inverting reality to claim that North Korea is provoking the West. John Pilger talks to T.J. Coles about the situation.
A few months ago, I interviewed Noam Chomsky as part of our new book Voices for Peace: War, Resistance and America's Quest for Full-spectrum Dominance
Caesarea was built by King Herod some 2000 years ago and named after his Roman master, Augustus Caesar. It once again became an important town under the Crusaders, who fortified it.
The mention of one tiny country appears to strike at the rationality and sanity of those who should know far better