Building the Fight against Austerity
December 13, 2015 12:00 am Leave your thoughts It has been a depressing few weeks for the supporters of the Labour Party's new leader Jeremy Corbyn
It has been a depressing few weeks for the supporters of the Labour Party's new leader Jeremy Corbyn
Bryan Gould, former Labour shadow cabinet minister, provides a rebuttal to Roy Greenslade's recent Guardian article
Every state that ever existed in world history has sought to justify its actions abroad by claiming that it is has the moral right and justice on its side
The Poll Tax Gerrymander gave the UK an unforecast by pollsters 4th Conservative victory and the undistinguished government of John Major
George Tait Edwards explains how Shimomuran-Wernerian macroeconomics is the best available path to prosperity once the politicians of the West understand the effectiveness of that option
It is Labour's long-standing support for, and failure to challenge, the central tenets of neo-classical orthodoxy that has disabled any challenge they have tried to make to any other aspect of the Tory progamme
One glance on Sunday morning at The Guardian website demonstrated quite clearly what is wrong with Britain - and, probably, the rest of the 'developed' world
The politicos still don't get it. The public do
Tony Blair's assertions in Parliament in 2002 were integral in the excuse for the illegal invasion and ongoing bloodbath now also engulfing Syria
If you want an end to waste, you have to show it to the people, not hide it