August 3, 2015 10:54 pm Leave your thoughts "You've got a swarm of people coming across the Mediterranean seeking a better life, wanting to come to Britain" David Cameron
"You've got a swarm of people coming across the Mediterranean seeking a better life, wanting to come to Britain" David Cameron
Many people thought (and hoped) that Scotland voting No in its Independence Referendum last year had laid that idea to rest. Far from it
Bryan Gould, former Labour shadow cabinet minister, says Labour's leaders must be prepared to do the hard work needed to produce a convincing alternative in line with much current and developing economic thinking
Up to 250,000 people came to London and no one can argue that the demonstration, organised by The People's Assembly, wasn't representative of the broad spectrum of people's anger against Tory policies
Bryan Gould, former Labour shadow cabinet minister, asks why the Labour Party throws up would-be leaders who are clearly so reluctant to rock the boat
The all-Tory government has only been in place for four weeks. The amount of daft and non-think policy statements coming out would be laughable if they weren't so dreadful
Bryan Gould, former member of the Labour shadow cabinet, describes what is missing from the leadership contest
To the great puzzlement and consternation of pundits and pollsters, the British general election produced what seems a great democratic victory for the Conservative party
Former MP and member of the Labour shadow cabinet, Bryan Gould, explains the need for Labour to break free from the neo-liberal consensus that has long imprisoned the left in an intellectual straitjacket
Former MP and member of the Labour shadow cabinet, Bryan Gould, explains how economic teaching lags behind reality