A Bribery Case
January 3, 2016 8:18 pm Leave your thoughts When the State of Israel was founded, the new foreign minister, Moshe Sharett, did something that seemed quite natural. He sold his private apartment.
When the State of Israel was founded, the new foreign minister, Moshe Sharett, did something that seemed quite natural. He sold his private apartment.
Each of us has a few books that formed and changed his or her world view
By now every Israeli has seen the TV clip several times - showing a 14-year old Arab girl being shot dead
A recent ITV poll showed 89.32% of British people are against bombing Syria
The real danger of Netanyahu's reign is his total lack of an answer to Israel's main problem
All governments encroach, creep into our lives, and smother our minds with ever more legislation that infringes our human rights and civil liberties
A lament for lands once conquered where men were laid to rest
Since March this year, bombing raids and a blockade of ports imposed by the Saudi-led coalition of Sunni Gulf states have crippled much of Yemen
There is no such thing as "international terrorism". To declare war on "international terrorism" is nonsense. Politicians who do so are either fools or cynics, and probably both.
The hypocrisy and double standard that permeates the jewellery industry when it comes to blood diamonds is laid bare when one examines the ethical credential of Tiffany's diamonds - one of the world's most prestigious jewellers.