
Election Theft in Honduras

December 5, 2017 11:02 pm Leave your thoughts

Honduras is in crisis. The national election took place on Sunday 26 November. Results posted that night showed the challenger Salvador Nasralla with a 5% lead with 57% of the votes tallied

UK Government Bribes its Way to Climate Change

December 3, 2017 12:00 am Leave your thoughts

Despite falling apart at the seams over its Brexit 'negotiations' with the EU, and its internal fights and scandals, bringing shame and embarrassment to the UK, Theresa May's government is determined to carry on with its money-oriented and earth-trashing policies

Political commentators

December 3, 2017 12:00 am Leave your thoughts

Political commentators have long been puzzled by the fact that, right across the globe and for several decades, the political left has been in retreat and - more than that - has apparently been unable to mount any significant challenge to the growing neo-liberal hegemony which has dominated western democracies since the 1980s