Free the Unborn! A Proposal for Slowing Down Politics
October 24, 2008 12:00 am Leave your thoughts George Monbiot on why the struggle against climate change is being undermined by political short-termism.
George Monbiot on why the struggle against climate change is being undermined by political short-termism.
Campaign group Justice For Colombia reports on Barack Obama's recent expression of concern over the appalling human rights record of Uribe's Colombia.
James Suggett on how Venezuela is reacting to the world financial crisis.
Michael Roberts on why the present economic crisis demonstrates the vulnerability of "free market" capitalism.
James Suggett on the latest episode in the Venezuelan corporate media's compaign against Hugo Chávez.
Mick Brooks on how Gordon's policies left the UK unprepared for the present financial crisis.
Reviewing the life of Kulthum Odeh, the first woman in the Arab world to hold a professorship, Iqbal Tamimi considers the all-pervading ignorance about Palestine.
As violence continues unabated in "free" Iraq, Hussein Al-Alak questions the convenient myth that there is something inherently natural about sectarian violence in Iraq.
The trial of three men accused of murdering the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya began in Moscow this week. Sara Hall looks back on the circumstances surrounding her death, and considers the bleak prospects for freedom of speech and human rights in Russia today.
Samuele Mazzolini on why Ecuador's new constitution is threatened by the vested economic and political interests of neoliberalism which have dominated Latin America for the past twenty years.