Chavez Calls for Systemic Change to Save Planet
December 18, 2009 12:00 am Leave your thoughts Hugo Chavez has accused the world's powerful countries of lacking the political will to take serious action on climate change, as Kiraz Janicke reports.
Kiraz Janicke
Hugo Chavez has accused the world's powerful countries of lacking the political will to take serious action on climate change, as Kiraz Janicke reports.
The Bolivian president Evo Morales achieved a landslide election victory on Sunday, as Kiraz Janicke reports.
Kiraz Janicke on the Venezuelan president's call for a 'Fifth International' of left parties.
Kiraz Janicke on the Venezuelan response to US offers to mediate in the Colombian-Venezuelan dispute.
Kiraz Janicke on Hugo Chavez's assessment of Venezuela's opposition student movement.
Kiraz Janicke on the latest events in the bitter struggle between the Chavez government and Venezuela's right-wing corporate media.
Governments across Latin America are expressing growing unease over the militarism of joint US-Colombian policy in the region, as Kiraz Janicke explains.
Kiraz Janicke on the Venezuelan government's move to distance itself from the violent actions of some of its core supporters.
Kiraz Janicke on the latest round in the ongoing war of words between the Venezuelan and Colombian governments.
Kiraz Janicke on how the increasing US presence in Colombia is causing friction between Colombia and Venezuela.